23 000 ewes
whose 3 866 in monitored performance recording
Maternal qualities
Prolificacy : 1.119
Weight Age Type 30 days (PAT30) of double born males: 9.6 kg
Butchery skills
Weight of rams : 80 to 100 kg
Weight of ewes : 60 kg
Average daily gain 30/70 days (GMQ30/70) of single born males : 248 g

Concours National de la Race de La Charmoise 2022
au SOMMET de l'ELEVAGE à Clermont Ferrand (63)

La vente charmoise en photos
Origins and skills
French sheep breed, created in Sologne in the Loir et Cher at the end of the XIX century by Edouard Malingié, the " Charmoise " breed is a rustic breed adapted to difficult areas. In such conditions, it makes good use of fodder resources of low energy value and is content with little.
The remarkable conformation of the Charmoise breed as well as the excellent gustatory quality of its meat make it a first rate meat breed.
The management of lambs on grass requires breeds with a low growth rate. This is the case of the "Charmoise" which has the particularity to keep a very good conformation and to produce a carcass of a convenient weight:
16 - 17 Kg in restricted feeding conditions for a yield of over 50%.
The natural deseasoning is also one of its precious aptitudes. This allows to accelerate its production towards three lambings in two years and to improve its productivity.
Finally, the "Charmoise" lamb has a great particularity. Despite its advanced age, it keeps a "light" meat color which allows the production of late lambs on grass.
The selection scheme of the breed is oriented towards improving the dairy value of the dams so that the lambs stand on their own. The butchering aptitudes are improved by the male way. 50 rams are evaluated each year in the breeding center. In order to diffuse the best genetic potential, some exceptional rams are collected and available collectively by Artificial Insemination.
Utilisation et diffusion
The remarkable conformation and the ability to finish lambs on grass are the main reasons for the success of the Charmoise ram in crossbreeding. The fineness of the bone structure is also a major asset that justifies the use of the "Charmoise" ram for the control of primiparous lambs of large breeds. Indeed, due to the increase in the size of sheep flocks, the Charmoise ram is indispensable in the organization of the breeder's work for the control of ewe lambs, bringing the certainty of problem-free lambing.