60 farmers
26,226 lambings and 55,234 lambs born to ewes in the breeding base
Out of 490 rams evaluated, 328 rams qualified in 2017, 30 of which were used for AI;
Between 16,000 and 17,000 lambs qualified every year
Maternal qualities :
Prolificacy: 2.11
Average weight at 30 days of a male lamb born twin: 11.2 kg.
Average weight at 30 days of a female lamb born twin: 10.7 kg.
Meat qualities :
ADG (Average Daily Gain) between 30 and 70 days of a male lamb, born twin or multiple births: 345g.
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Origins and natural aptitudes
The ROMANE is a cross between the French breed BERRICHON DU CHER and the ROMANOV. The ROMANE ewe has excellent breeding qualities:
- First and foremost its prolificacy at 2.11
- Its natural all year round fertility make it possible to produce lambs in September /October.
- Given the correct feed, The ROMANE’s ease of lambing and highly developed maternal instinct make it an easily managed ewe.

Breeding programm
The main objectives of the ROMANE sheep society (O.S. ROMANE) are to maintain prolificacy at 200%, sustain good fertility and improve the phenotype development of the breed. The best young males are sent to the ram evaluation station for the breed which closely monitors 300 rams per year. The top young rams are used for AI in order to procreate the best genetic potential.
Utilisation et diffusion
The main interest of the ROMANE is to use the female line. The ROMANE is managed in large scale flocks in various systems of lamb production.
They are to be found in intensive indoor systems as much as in outdoor systems. It grazes natural meadows rich or less rich, on grass as much as on cover crops after cereals .
It is used in crossbreeding with the big French meat breeds: BERRICHON DU CHER, ROUGE DE L’OUEST, SUFFOLK. This lamb production results in lambs graded “U” and “R” in the ‘EUROP’ grid. It is present throughout France. It ranks 6th among sheep breeds in terms of numbers.
The breed is present across France and is the largest breed in terms of flock numbers of those being performance tested and is one of the prime sheep meat breeds in France. Demand for lambs is high. It is therefore advisable to reserve breeding stock before they are born, by contract and it is GEODE’s role is to put these contracts in place.