Technical support to breeders

Our research programmes currently enable us to provide expertise and technical support for the introduction of new characteristics both in our own and in other breeds.

Methods ( specifications, qualification…)
On farm advice (identification, traceability, breed improvements….)

Technical support to breeders
Flock management software = OVITEL

Flock management software = OVITEL

Ovitel is a sheep management software programme, simple to use and capable of producing detailed information.

Its modular format allows you to purchase modules according to your requirements. You choose the level of detail and performance recording according to your livestock management system.

Its main module , the ‘Inventaire’ is linked to 4 other modules: Good Practice, Pocket/Smartphone Format, Tupping Groups and Performance Recording

This software is useful for all sheep farmers: whether small, medium or large sheep enterprises, and can be used by farms recording performance or not, and by farms with or without electronic identification.

+ What are the main features of the Ovitel modules?

The only compulsory module is the Inventory module, which allows you to have a list of your animals, to sort them (batches), to search for them and to visualize a very complete animal file. Of course, tools for lambing, introduction, exit (sales..), and correction are present. The breeder marketing his animals with quality signs will be able to parameterize them, Ovitel taking care of all the calculations so that, at the time of the exit, the lambs are classified automatically in the good quality sign (with edition of a document of circulation consequently). The main editions of this module are the lambing book, the inventory of his animals, and the circulation documents.

The Good Practices module allows to manage all the sanitary aspects of a farm. Based on a diary, this module allows the farmer to enter and manage his prescriptions, treatments, as well as any other sanitary event (shearing, disinfection of buildings...). The entry of sanitary events allows the edition of a sanitary book which allows to be in adequacy with the regulation in case of control. This module is delivered with 500 pre-filled treatment products.
Ovitel is also certified by the Institut de l'Elevage.Its sanitary booklet is therefore valid in case of control.

The Performance module allows breeders in performance control to have a direct link with the Ovall software (performance control technicians' software). They automatically and autonomously retrieve the weights, index, GMQ, PAT... This module is articulated around a complete dashboard: weighing report, genetic report...

The Control module allows the entry of all types of control (natural breeding, breeding in hand, AI, AI mix). The entry of fights automatically leads to the recognition of the sire during lambing, the crossing of breed to obtain that of the lamb, but also the automatic constitution of a family tree. Numerous statistics (prolificity, productivity, fertility, mortality rate at birth, mortality before 20 days, after 20 days ...) allow a sharp technical analysis for those who want it. Finally, the ewe culling tool facilitates the identification of unproductive or low-productivity ewes.

The last module is the OviPocket module. Running on Pocket PC or smartphone, it offers all the functionalities of the 4 other modules in the farmer's pocket. Thanks to this module, the breeder does not need any paper at all. Everything can be entered in the field in the Ovipocket. The breeder only has to place his PocketPc on its recharging base for the information entered in the field to be poured into Ovitel on PC. For breeders already using electronics, the Ovipocket can be coupled with an electronic tag reader.

+ What are the main features of the Ovitel modules?
+ Why choose Ovitel ?

+ Why choose Ovitel ?

Some choose Ovitel to have a better traceability and thus follow the regulations to the letter. They appreciate the zero paper since Ovitel manages the circulation documents, lambing books and health books.
Others choose it to improve the management and therefore the performance of their flock, in particular thanks to the numerous statistics, dashboards, technical management tools (ewe culling tool, fight statistics, etc.).
Finally, they all appreciate it for its ease of use and the richness of its functionalities.

+ What are the advantages that set it apart from other software?

The advantages of the product are numerous. Its simplicity of use as well as the quality of its editions (in terms of completeness and readability) allowing the breeders to not manage paper at all, are the advantages most often cited by the users of Ovitel.
The distribution of the product by local partners (technicians from the Chamber of Agriculture, the EDE, the GDS or the Cooperatives) who know the product, also reassures our customers.
The Good Practices module with its agenda is also much appreciated because the entry of sanitary treatments is often perceived as a constraint without much interest for the breeders. With our tool, they realize that they can value and consult this health information.
Moreover, the fact that Ovitel is the property of an economic interest group (thus without any profit-making vocation) ensures that the money generated by the software will be reinvested in improvements.
Finally, its cost, rather in the low range of the market, associated with its modularity (choice of modules), allows breeders to obtain an adapted tool at a reasonable price.

+ What are the advantages that set it apart from other software?
+ OviPocket, the Pocket module from Ovitel,

+ OviPocket, the Pocket module from Ovitel,

can be coupled with an electronic loop reader. What does this combination bring?

To summarize in 2 words: security and speed.
The reading of an electronic loop allows you to avoid making mistakes when entering the number, thus increasing the security of the information entered.
At the same time, you no longer need to enter the animal's number to find it in the software, just read the chip.
The latest version of Ovitel integrates everything necessary to work with electronic tag readers.

For more information, contact us in

Download the ovitel leaflet - information 5 modules


"Ovitel in new figures :
- more than 1500 breeders equipped
- thoughout France
- followed by more than 50 technicians
- 94 % of breeders with the Pocket PC module
- about 550 breeders in performance control
- more than 1 000 000 exchanges with the performance control
- presence at the Sommet de l'Élevage and Tech-ovin
- Partner of the Ovinpiades